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Orientation to Needles (NDLS 100)

Overall orientation to Needles to provide overview of Needles to new hires
  • Video Aug 18_ 1 14 17 PM.mov
  • Orientation to Needles - Opening Needles
  • Orientation to Needles - Menu Bars
  • Orientation to Needles - Searching
  • Orientation to Needles - Party Tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Case tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Checklist tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Notes tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Ins tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Neg tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Counsel tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Doc tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Wit-Exp-Depo tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Records tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Incident tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Demand tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Lit tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Secret service tab
  • Orientation to Needles - Value tab
  • Cumulative test
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever